The territory that gives to the Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG has always been giving wines of extraordinary flavour, thanks to its peculiar fertility

and mediterranean features as the proximity of the sea to the hills, filled with secular olive trees and majestic carrubbo trees. The countryside is at the same time rugged and gentle, the fertile plain areas lean sweetly toward low and uniform coasts, webs of dry stone walls delimit the fields and blend into the dunes, the cliffs stand out against the crystal blue sea. That is a unique territory. The landscape is kissed by the sun, exposed to marine breeze in mild temperatures and gives extraordinary grapes. The northern natural boundary of the area follows the Erei mounts, the southern the Mediterranean sea, the eastern the Iblei mounts and the western the hills of Caltanissetta province.

The Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG fineness is due to the magic climate of the area, the temperature range in veraison and harvest period, the scarce precipitations during summer, together with the multiplicity and succession of the soil (clay, sandy-loamy, limestone soils) and heighs (from sea level to 500 mt above it). The soils are ideal for autoctone grapes that give the Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOGS, local wine “par excellence”, it is strongly tied to the powerful beauty of the vines, landscape and winery of the region of origin.

Along ancient bagli (fortified farms surrounded by mighty walls) ultramodern wineries blend perfectly into the landscape, thanks to the sustainable development policy adopted by producers in creating one agricultural comprensorio (a district that comprises lands of different nature and proprietors but with a unique purpose) famous in the world.
